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JavaScript Deep Clone: Recursive and Non-recursive Approaches

JavaScript Deep Clone: Recursive and Non-recursive Approaches

Deep cloning in JavaScript is a common yet challenging task, especially when dealing with complex objects containing nested structures and various data types. This article explores two approaches to implement deep cloning: recursive and non-recursive methods. We'll discuss the implementation strategies, advantages, and potential pitfalls of each approach.

Understanding Deep Clone

Before diving into the implementations, it's crucial to understand what deep cloning entails:

  • Creating a new object with a new reference.
  • Copying all nested objects and arrays recursively.
  • Handling special objects like Date, RegExp, Map, and Set.
  • Preserving the prototype chain.
  • Dealing with circular references.

Recursive Approach

The recursive approach is intuitive and often easier to implement and understand.

Implementation Strategy

  1. Base Case: Return primitive values as is.
  2. Circular Reference Check: Use a WeakMap to track already cloned objects.
  3. Special Object Handling: Implement specific logic for Date, RegExp, Map, and Set.
  4. Recursive Cloning: For arrays and plain objects, recursively clone each property.

Code Implementation

function deepCloneRecursive(value, cloneMap = new WeakMap()) {
  // Base case: Return primitive values or null as is
  if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) return value;

  // Circular reference check
  if (cloneMap.has(value)) return cloneMap.get(value);

  // Handle Date and RegExp objects specifically
  if (value instanceof Date) return new Date(value.getTime());
  if (value instanceof RegExp) return new RegExp(value.source, value.flags);

  // Handle Map
  if (value instanceof Map) {
    const clonedMap = new Map();
    cloneMap.set(value, clonedMap);
    value.forEach((val, key) => 
      clonedMap.set(deepCloneRecursive(key, cloneMap), deepCloneRecursive(val, cloneMap))
    return clonedMap;

  // Handle Set
  if (value instanceof Set) {
    const clonedSet = new Set();
    cloneMap.set(value, clonedSet);
    value.forEach(val => clonedSet.add(deepCloneRecursive(val, cloneMap)));
    return clonedSet;

  // Handle plain objects and arrays
  const clonedObj = Array.isArray(value) ? [] : Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(value));
  cloneMap.set(value, clonedObj);

  // Recursively clone each property
  Reflect.ownKeys(value).forEach(key => {
    if (Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(value, key)) {
      clonedObj[key] = deepCloneRecursive(value[key], cloneMap);

  return clonedObj;


  • Simple and intuitive implementation.
  • Handles circular references efficiently.
  • Easily extensible for new object types.


  • May cause stack overflow for deeply nested structures.
  • Performance can degrade for large objects due to recursive calls.

Non-recursive Approach

The non-recursive approach uses a stack to simulate recursion, avoiding potential stack overflow issues.

Implementation Strategy

  1. Initialization: Create a WeakMap for tracking cloned objects and a stack for pending items.
  2. Iterative Processing: Use a while loop to process the stack.
  3. Type-specific Handling: Implement separate logic for different object types.
  4. Breadth-First Cloning: Clone object properties in a breadth-first manner.

Code Implementation

function deepClone(value) {
  // Base case: Return primitive values or null as is
  if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) return value;

  const cloneMap = new WeakMap();

  // Helper function to create an empty clone based on the item type
  function createEmptyClone(item) {
    const type = Object.prototype.toString.call(item);
    switch (type) {
      case '[object Array]': return [];
      case '[object Object]': return Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(item));
      case '[object Date]': return new Date(item.getTime());
      case '[object RegExp]': return new RegExp(item.source, item.flags);
      case '[object Map]': return new Map();
      case '[object Set]': return new Set();
      default: throw new Error(`Unsupported type: ${type}`);

  // Process each item in the stack (used instead of recursion)
  function processItem(item, clone, stack) {
    if (item instanceof Map) {
      item.forEach((value, key) => {
        if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
          const newClone = cloneMap.get(value) || createEmptyClone(value);
          clone.set(key, newClone);
          if (!cloneMap.has(value)) {
            cloneMap.set(value, newClone);
            stack.push({ original: value, clone: newClone });
        } else {
          clone.set(key, value);
    } else if (item instanceof Set) {
      item.forEach(value => {
        if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
          const newClone = cloneMap.get(value) || createEmptyClone(value);
          if (!cloneMap.has(value)) {
            cloneMap.set(value, newClone);
            stack.push({ original: value, clone: newClone });
        } else {
    } else {
      Reflect.ownKeys(item).forEach(key => {
        if (Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(item, key)) {
          const value = item[key];
          if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
            const newClone = cloneMap.get(value) || createEmptyClone(value);
            clone[key] = newClone;
            if (!cloneMap.has(value)) {
              cloneMap.set(value, newClone);
              stack.push({ original: value, clone: newClone });
          } else {
            clone[key] = value;

  // Initialize the stack with the root object
  const rootClone = createEmptyClone(value);
  cloneMap.set(value, rootClone);
  const stack = [{ original: value, clone: rootClone }];

  // Process the stack until all items are cloned
  while (stack.length > 0) {
    const { original, clone } = stack.pop();
    processItem(original, clone, stack);

  return rootClone;


  • Avoids stack overflow for deeply nested structures.
  • Generally better performance for large objects.
  • Handles circular references efficiently.


  • More complex implementation.
  • Slightly harder to read and maintain.

Performance Benchmarks

To provide a clearer understanding of the performance trade-offs between recursive and non-recursive deep cloning methods, here’s an example of how you might benchmark these approaches. We'll use JavaScript's console.time and console.timeEnd to measure the time it takes to clone different types of objects.

// Test data
const smallObj = {
  name: "Alice",
  age: 30,
  hobbies: ["reading", "gaming"],
  dateOfBirth: new Date('1990-01-01'),

const largeObj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
  largeObj[`key${i}`] = {
    id: i,
    value: `value${i}`,
    nested: { a: 1, b: 2, c: [3, 4, 5] },

// Benchmark recursive approach
console.time("Recursive Small Object");
console.timeEnd("Recursive Small Object");

console.time("Recursive Large Object");
console.timeEnd("Recursive Large Object");

// Benchmark non-recursive approach
console.time("Non-Recursive Small Object");
console.timeEnd("Non-Recursive Small Object");

console.time("Non-Recursive Large Object");
console.timeEnd("Non-Recursive Large Object");

Sample Results:

  • Recursive Small Object: 0.5ms
  • Recursive Large Object: 120ms
  • Non-Recursive Small Object: 0.4ms
  • Non-Recursive Large Object: 90ms

These results are hypothetical but illustrate how the recursive method can become significantly slower with larger objects due to the overhead of recursive function calls. The non-recursive approach, while slightly more complex, can handle larger structures more efficiently.

Key Considerations

  1. Circular References: Both approaches use a WeakMap to handle circular references.
  2. Prototype Chain: Both methods preserve the prototype chain of objects.
  3. Special Objects: Both implementations handle Date, RegExp, Map, and Set objects.
  4. Enumerable Properties: Only enumerable properties are cloned in both cases.
  5. Symbol Properties: Both methods correctly handle Symbol keys.


Choosing between recursive and non-recursive approaches depends on your specific use case:

  • For simplicity and ease of understanding, the recursive method is often preferable.
  • For robustness with large, deeply nested structures, the non-recursive approach is safer.

Both methods provide a comprehensive solution for deep cloning in JavaScript, handling various object types and edge cases. The key is to understand the trade-offs and choose the approach that best fits your project's needs.

Remember, while these implementations cover many cases, they may not handle every possible JavaScript object type. Always test thoroughly with your specific data structures and consider performance implications for very large objects. Depending on your application, you might also want to explore other methods or libraries like Lodash's _.cloneDeep, which is a well-tested and optimized solution for deep cloning in JavaScript.


Deep cloning is essential when working with complex data structures in JavaScript, as it prevents unintended mutations by creating entirely separate copies of objects. This article provided an in-depth look at both recursive and non-recursive approaches, covering their implementation strategies, pros, cons, and performance considerations.

To recap:

  • Recursive Approach: Best for straightforward use cases where ease of understanding and simplicity are paramount. It’s intuitive but can suffer from performance issues with deeply nested objects.
  • Non-recursive Approach: Offers better performance for deeply nested or large objects by avoiding the risks of stack overflow. However, it’s more complex and requires a deeper understanding of JavaScript’s object handling.

Ultimately, your choice between these approaches should be guided by the specific requirements of your project, including the complexity of the objects you need to clone and the performance characteristics of your application.

For anyone developing JavaScript applications that involve complex state management, understanding and effectively implementing deep cloning techniques is crucial. Whether you choose the recursive or non-recursive method, or even leverage a library like Lodash, deep cloning will help you maintain the integrity of your data and avoid subtle bugs that can arise from unintentional shared references.